Russia (MNN) — And along with many other countries, Russia has begun vaccinating people against COVID-19. Russia became the first country to approve a vaccine for use, named Sputnik V. This vaccine did not undergo the same level of testing as other vaccines before it was approved, leading to some concerns. But new research shows it to be safe and effective.
Eric Mock of the Slavic Gospel Association says the vaccinations haven’t reached many outlying areas of Russia. “Financially, a mass majority of the wealth and prosperity of Russia is in Moscow, or even in the state of Moscow. So I expect a lot of what we hear about vaccinations in Russia predominantly has to do with vaccinations that are occurring in Moscow and St. Petersburg.”
Mock says the vaccine alone won’t end the problems faced by impoverished Russians. “Even with the advancement of the vaccine, I think economic hardship caused by the restrictions and the pandemic will extend way beyond COVID-19. It is great that we’re starting to beat back the virus and maybe the variants that come from the virus. But the suffering that is out there is far more extensive than the virus alone.”
“So the churches that we’re serving continue to reach out to people in need.”
SGA supports local Christians in Russia and surrounding countries. They get resources to the churches, who supply food, warmth, and the Gospel to people in need. Pray this ministry will draw many to the love of Jesus.
The header photo shows small containers holding the Sputnik V vaccine. (Photo courtesy of Mos.ru, CC BY 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons)