Rwanda (MNN) — Purpose Driven Ministries' work in Rwanda
has now been extended to law enforcement.
Pastor Rick Warren, along with four police experts from
Saddleback Church, spent some time earlier this month training 50 Rwandan police
officers in Kigali on utilizing the ministry's PEACE plan in their jobs.
Published news accounts from the New Times in Kigali report
the training covered road safety, criminal investigation and clinical
The plan itself is a massive mobilization of Christians into
an outreach effort that uses the Gospel to attack spiritual emptiness, corrupt
leadership, poverty, disease and illiteracy.
The PEACE plan Promotes reconciliation, Equips leaders,
Assists the poor, Cares for the sick and Educates the next generation. The goal is to cultivate church-to-church
connections and help new ministries sustain themselves. Many of the PEACE teams plant churches in
areas where there were no churches to begin with. It's a growth effort focused on discipleship
and not numbers growth only.