Second FEXPO planned for the end of September

By September 8, 2008

 Bolivia (MNN) — Apoyo, a SIM ministry that supports Bolivian pastors, is organizing the second FEXPO event. Scheduled for September 25-27, FEXPO is a nationwide exposition of Christian ministries that serves to unite and encourage the evangelical church community.

The first FEXPO held in 2006 brought in over 500 people each day to visit the exhibitions and workshops. Sixty-four organizations exhibited at the first event, and although the 2006 event had much success, Apoyo hopes to bring more people to this year's FEXPO. A larger building has been rented, and 86 of the 121 stands have already been reserved by national and international Christian organizations.

Fourteen sub-committees are busy planning different aspects of this three-day event. In addition to the stands, there will be a Bible message and five workshops each day on subjects related to the Christian family. Afternoon activities include a round table forum where people can ask experts questions about family issues and other ministries working in the area of family concerns will meet and discuss issues relevant to their work. A Christian music concert will wrap up the event.

If you would like to support the work of Apoyo in Bolivia, please mark your gift for project 91024; you can give online here.

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