USA (MNN) – The Bible is full of joyful calls to freedom. However, living in a sinful world with imperfect bodies can make it challenging to feel free in Christ. Set Free Ministries helps Christians walk in the liberty Jesus offers through spiritual freedom ministry.
What is Spiritual Freedom?
Set Free grounds their understanding of spiritual freedom in Scripture. Hebrews 12:1-2a offers insight into Biblical freedom. It says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith…”
Dean Vander Mey with Set Free says, “What we do is, we help people get untangled from the issues of life and the sin that can so easily entangle us, just with everyday life. So freedom ministry is, ‘Let’s make sure we run with perseverance with no entanglements and no heavy burdens, no heavy weights.’”
In short spiritual freedom is the ability to pursue God without the hindrance of sin.

(Image courtesy of Martín Alfonso Sierra Ospino from Pixabay)
Set Free knows that for people to freely focus on Jesus and pursue life in Him, Christians need to be spiritually fit. When people are not seeking Christ wholeheartedly, sins like anger, pornography, depression, bitterness and others can entangle them and not only hinder their relationships with God, but manifest in other ways as wellphysically and mentally.
“We see that happening all the time here at Set Free, where people are coming in here psychologically confused, and they’re coming in with physical issues,” Vander Mey explains. “And it’s because of unresolved spiritual things that have not been uncovered or dealt with. Our goal at Set Free is to see the captives set free.”
How Does Spiritual Freedom Ministry Work?
The ministry format is simple. The process begins with a Freedom Appointment. In the appointment counselors read the Bible with people and call them to repentance using a seven-step framework. After the meeting, people are encouraged to seek discipleship.
“God has not changed. He’s going to call us to repentance and to walk in truth. And that’s really the message of Jesus. ‘Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.’ That’s the message of John the Baptist. ‘Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.’ So nothing has changed. Why would we change it? If we walk in truth, the truth will set us free. But in order to do that, we’re going to have to do some repentance.”
Once people have repented then they need to really study the Word of God. Vander Mey says, “You can be as free as you want to be. ‘If you abide in my word, … you will know the truth and the truth will set you free’ [John 8:31-32]. That’s a big if. That’s a really big if because most people are not in the Word of God. And how can you behave in a way you do not know? You can’t.”
How Do I Get Help Experiencing Spiritual Freedom?
The joy of spiritual freedom is available for all Christians, but sometimes it can be helpful to have someone provide guidance. Set Free offers Freedom Appointments for anyone, free of charge. Simply submit a questionnaire on their website here.
If you want to help others find this joy in Christ, you can help support Set Free Ministries here.
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