Shareen’s story: a divine domino effect

By November 25, 2022

Gaza Strip (MNN) — If you line up a row of dominoes on edge and then tip the last one forward, what happens? The whole row falls as the momentum of one carries on, right? That’s exactly what happened – in a spiritual sense – with Shareen and her family.

Uncharted Ministries’ Tom Doyle says he and his wife JoAnn met Shareen two decades ago in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. “Later, we were privileged to pray with her to faith in Christ,” he says.

You can read Shareen’s full story in the Doyles’ book, Women Who Risk.

Following Jesus in the Gaza Strip is not easy, and it’s even harder when you feel alone. Like many Muslim-background believers, Shareen was the only Christian in her family for years.

“When someone comes to faith in Christ, we automatically assume there’ll be more [who also turn to Jesus for salvation] …but it doesn’t always happen in our timing,” Doyle says.

One day, everything began to change. Shareen’s family members started turning to Christ one by one.

“When we told her story [in Women Who Risk] and people started to pray, dominoes started to fall. Through this one believer, her husband came to faith, then her sister; the children, her (Shareen’s) parents, her husband’s parents,” Doyle says.

“It’s God’s divine domino effect!”

The movement didn’t end with Shareen’s family. Today, “we’re hearing about people from a Muslim background coming to faith weekly in Gaza. It’s super dangerous there, but they are willing to count the cost,” Doyle says.

Connect with Uncharted here to learn more.

“Jesus is moving in places like Gaza, but it is not easy for the brothers and sisters. They’re like the Thessalonian Christians – immediately they were persecuted, but they stood strong,” Doyle says.

“We need to pray for them.”

Praise God for the changes taking place in the Muslim world! Pray new believers will grow in their knowledge of Christ.



Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Bradyn Trollip/Unsplash.

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