Sharing faith through sports

By May 13, 2014
Sydney Tremaine is an athlete at Cornerstone University (photo courtesy of Photo by Sydney Tremaine)

Sydney Tremaine is an athlete at Cornerstone University. (Photo by Sydney Tremaine)

Spain (MNN) — Sports have the ability to connect people from all countries in a way that very few things can. Christians should pay attention to this fact when considering the Great Commission. How does an athlete incorporate their faith into their hobby?

Sydney Tremaine is a senior at Cornerstone University: a photo journalism major who devotes much of her time training for track and cross country at the University.

After many frustrating months of searching for an internship (something many college students can relate to), she finally came across an opportunity with Athletes in Action.

Tremaine says, “When my coach showed me information about Athletes in Action, it just looked like it would be a great fit for what I want to do–going into Sports photography. And the fact that it’s a faith-based mission work involving photography: I couldn’t have imagined anything better.”

Through this internship, Tremaine is able to combine her two passions, running and photography, in a way that presents her faith. This summer she will be visiting the Canary Islands and Spain for a month and will be the official photographer for AIA on those trips. After that, she will return to Michigan to work at a TUFF (Training U Farther and Faster) running camp.

Athletes in Action, the sports ministry of Cru, longs to see a Christ-follower on every team around the world. One of the ways they do this is through training camps where they practice with other athletes and provide opportunities to encounter the Gospel.

In Spain and the Canary Islands, Tremaine will photograph activities and events for the organization. “I’ll be capturing the athletes while they’re competing and practicing, and also interacting with the kids in the area.” She will also photograph “people that we come into contact with every day, and the beauty of the area…. I just want to make sure that I don’t leave anything out.”

Tremaine will also be competing, but she has the opportunity to switch between photographer and runner modes.

When asked what most excites here about the trip, T,remaine replies, “Being in a new culture and seeing what that’s like and just interacting with the different people that are there; and honestly, just seeing how others live their lives.”

After the month abroad, Sydney will return to Michigan where she will spend a few weeks teaching other athletes how to bring their faith into their sport. This is done at the TUFF running camp.

“I will be working with kids in the area who want to learn or who are willing to learn what it’s like to be a Christian in the world of athletics,” says Tremaine. She’s looking forward to “showing love to others who maybe don’t know the love of Christ [and] reaching out to as many kids as possible.”

Overall, Tremaine views this opportunity as a great blessing. “I am just very excited [about] the unique opportunity that I have. I’ve been searching for an internship this whole year for something that I can be excited about, and I feel like God just planted this right in front of me and said, ‘Here, this looks like you’ll like it.'”

Tremaine asks that you pray for two things: that the financial aspect of the trip will be covered, and that God would keep her and the team safe. Tremaine needs to have the remainder of her funds in by June 4. If you would like to help her in this effort, click here to give a gift of support.

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