Haiti (MNN) — There is food in the United States, and every day there are hungry children in Haiti. Right now, Bright Hope International needs your help to bridge the gap between the
U.S. and Haiti.
"We have enough food right now for an entire container to feed 3000 kids for the next three months, but we don't have the funds to ship it down there and for the distribution costs," said Craig Dyer, President of Bright Hope.
Once sent, the container will feed one meal a day to the 3000 at the start of school. Many of the children come from poor families. The school sponsored by a partner church of Bright Hope is a great opportunity for them to begin to better their lives. But being in school is useless if their stomachs are hurting. "We have noticed that many of these children are coming to school hungry, and that just doesn't
make for a good education when they can't concentrate and actually learn," said
Because many of the other schools are several miles from their homes, the school that is held in the church building is almost their only option, which lends itself to evangelism. "They're studying God's Word as well, so in each of the schools they use the Bible. It's also an opportunity to share Christ with children that probably don't hear about it in their own homes."
BHI's partner pastor in Haiti helps run several churches with schools in them. Since the church is often the only structured building in a community, it also tends to become a
community center.
The container will take only a few days to reach Haiti once all the money has been raised to send it and distribute it. Dyer says it could easily make it there by Christmas, or even Thanksgiving. "We're ready to send it as soon as we receive the donations. This is an immediate need," he said.