Faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love. (Photo courtesy Buckner International)
International (Buckner) — The ministry of Buckner International touches hundreds of thousands of lives a year. It protects children. It strengthens families. It serves seniors. Buckner shines hope into the darkest places around the world.
It began with a calling in one man’s heart. Dr. Robert Cooke “Father” Buckner took a leap of faith when he founded Buckner Orphans Home in Dallas after seeing the needs of hurting and orphaned children in post-Civil War Texas. In the first years, Buckner Orphans Home was filled with children left parentless due to disease and hardship.
Since that moment, the history of Buckner has been filled with men and women who have stepped out on faith to bring holistic protection and healing to children, families and seniors. They made grand decisions. Leaders started continuing care communities for seniors. They launched Buckner Family Hope Centers. They expanded Buckner ministries worldwide.
Not every step of faith in the history of Buckner has been made in such a public way. Yet these actions are just as important to the foundation of the ministry. Such steps go unnoticed by many people each day. When a chaplain prays with a senior. When a social worker first begins a relationship with a family. When a staff member shares the gospel with a person looking for answers to life’s deepest questions. Each time a Buckner staff person steps out on faith, there is the potential for a life to radically change.
The same is true in each of our lives. Many times, it’s the small steps of faith that can lead to significant changes in the lives others. The willingness to make a new friend. The delivery of a warm meal to a person going through a tough time. An encouraging word at just the right moment.
Where will you take a step of faith for the Lord this week?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
Deeper Reflection:
•Are you truly willing to step out in faith for something God is calling you to do? What might be holding you back?
•Reflect on times you have stepped out on faith in your life. What was the outcome? Did those times encourage you to step out again?
Next Steps:
•Look for ways this week that God is calling you to step out on faith. It may radically change someone’s life.