Deng Jong-Kuch is with Partners in Compassionate Care, which is hoping to reopen the Memorial Christian Hospital in Bor, South Sudan with your help.
South Sudan (MNN) — In South Sudan today, there are 64 tribes with different languages and difficult cultures. That can create many issues all by itself. Couple that with political differences, and it can create al-out civil war.
That’s what’s happening in South Sudan, according to Deng Jong-Kuch with Partners in Compassionate Care.
According to Jong-Kuch, “It was basically a political crisis where the president and vice president disagreed on how to run the country. The president fired the vice president. So, when he fired his vice president, the vice president tried starting a coup.”
It was unsuccessful and many were arrested, except for the vice president who has rounded up the Nuer tribe to try to take over the country. According to Jong-Kuch, it’s the Nuer tribe against the rest of the nation.
That unrest, however, has created a humanitarian catastrophe in the Greater Upper Nile region, which includes three states. That includes the city of Bor, the capital city of Jonglei. “The whole county was completely displaced. Nobody lived there. The school I helped build is completely vacant. The clinic is not there. Memorial Christian Hospital is closed down; thank God it wasn’t destroyed.”
To meet the medical needs of those who are displaced, a medical clinic has been opened. “Bor was the center of the fighting. It was taken over by the rebels twice, then taken back by government troops twice. So, many people have escaped the area.”
Because of the lack of medical care, Partners in Compassionate Care is doing something about it. “We went ahead and bought the medicines and opened the clinic in the IDP camp. Hopefully, as people begin coming back as they’re doing now, we will reopen the hospital.”
Jong-Kuch says he saw malnourished children and sick adults needing care. The needs are great. With the on-set of the rainy season, malaria is expected to be a problem.
It’s not all about physical needs. Memorial Christian Hospital is also about the spiritual side which is why they have a men, women, and children’s ministry. He says this ministry takes place “inside the hospital and outside. They do outreach, and they share the Bible. They share the JESUS film. Some of the people have never seen that. They say, ‘Jesus speaks in Dinka.'”
The needs are great for the clinic and hospital. It costs $10,000 for the medicines needed for the clinic. To open the hospital, they’ll need to raise nearly $200,000 for capital and other expenses. Jong-Kuch says, “If we ope, it will be the only hospital in the area, so the needs will be huge.”
If you’re feeling called to fund the spiritual and physical needs of those in Bor, go to http://www.pccsudan.org.