We begin today’s newscast in the United States where the Federal
Communications Commission has made a decision that could impact all
Christian broadcasting. In granting a transfer of licenses between Pittsburgh T-V
stations, the commission restricted programming devoted to proselytizing, religious
exhortation and personally held religious views on the non-commercial educational
band. Karl Stoll is with the National Religious Broadcasters. “So, in essence what the
FCC has done is they have decided that they can restrict certain types of religious
speech, and we feel that’s unconstitutional.” Stoll says if the decision isn’t overturned, it
could trickle down to non-commercial radio. Back to the Bible’s Radio Director
Martin Jones is concerned. “Our focus is Bible teaching. It always has been and a lot
of our teaching is encouraging the believer, but we’re also encouraging people to come
into a personal relationship with Christ. So, yes, that would affect us in a great way
because that’s what we do.”The NRB expects the court or legislation to overturn the