Topping today’s news, the voting for the Russian Presidency has already begun, although the official election is still more than a week away. At this point, acting President Vladimir Putin is considered the heavy favorite, despite vague proposals he’s shared during the campaign. Far East Broadcasting Company’s Rudy Wiens says: “At the moment, everybody’s waiting for March 26th, when the presidential election will be held. People hope that after that date, life will return to normal.” Wiens says once the presidential election is settled, they can get a better feel of what kind of leader Putin will be. Until then, FEBC is using the Gospel to address the difficulties facing the people. “In our programming, we mention the war because the war is impacting not only the people in Chechnya, but throughout Russia. There’s lots of suffering on all sides, and for that reason, we, as Christians try to get involved more on the humanitarian side. What we talk about is Christian love to the refugees, to their enemies and ask God for wisdom.”