(India)–We begin today in India were Hindus continue to try to get Christians to renounce their faith in Christ and turn to Hinduism. As violence against Christians continues, Dayspring International’s John Gilman says it’s not having an impact on their work. “This movie, acted with all Indian actors telling the story of Jesus in the language and culture of the people is that they are comfortable and they don’t feel that it’s an invasion or a foreign Gospel and so the feelings are not stirred up. So, maybe that’s the reason we’re experiencing reception.” Gilman doesn’t believe the reconversion effort will be successful. He says they’re raising money to support additional film teams. “We can equip a team with all the equipment they need for about $4,500.and then the support for the team for the first year is $5,000. When we figure up all the costs it might be about 10-cents per person to reach them.” Call our resource line to find out how you can help.