Story number 1 for 17 Mar 2000

By March 17, 2000

We begin today in civil war battered Sudan where another Christian hospital has been bombed. According to Voice of the Martyrs Todd Nettleton a VOM sponsored hospital was bombed by the radical Islamic Government. Nettleton explains. “Also affected was an organization that we have partnered with called Far Reaching Ministries. One of their Sudan workers, a man named Tombek Marcello Daniel was killed in the bombing. Also in the area another person was killed and others were wounded. It does seem like in recent weeks there has been an increase in the bombing.” This is the third bombing of a hospital in the last two weeks. Nettleton says it’s not having an impact on evangelism. “In terms of the church growing it is not having an impact. And, really, in some ways it’s encouraging people to seek out Christ and to be thinking of eternal things which leads them to questions and the answer is obviously Jesus Christ.”

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