Story number 1 for 19 Feb 2003

By February 19, 2003

(USA) — We begin today’s news in the United States where thousands of soldiers prepare for a possible war and possible ministry. Colonel David Kennedy is a senior chaplain in the U-S Army Reserve. “As chaplains our primary role is to encourage all soldiers as U.S. citizens to be able to freely exercise their own religion and for those that are seeking, for those that are interested in learning more, certainly we are always available and interested in talking to soldiers and their families.” Kennedy, a professor at Cornerstone University‘s Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, describes his ministry as one of counselor, minister and advisor — even extending beyond the soldier. “A very important aspect of our operations is keeping in touch with families, being a point of contact for families, especially family members that have soldiers overseas. We will in all likelihood be the kind of people they will be in contact with stateside.” Kennedy sees this as an opportunity to share God’s love with many people in need.

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