Story number 1 for 19 Sep 2001

By September 19, 2001

(USA)–We begin today in the United States, where the terror attacks on New York and Washington D-C are having a spiritual impact on college campuses around the country. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Phil Evans. “We are seeing students more open to spiritual questions and looking for answers than ever before. College students are saying, well, where can I turn. Churches have been filled. Campus fellowships meetings have been packed out, and we’re seeing a real desire for spiritual answers to these questions that these attacks have raised within people’s lives.” Evans is asking people to pray that Christians will be effective when they share truth. “People can pray for our campuses around the country that there would be wise believers in every pocket of the university. People with Biblical wisdom to be able to respond with pastoral care in dormitories and in classrooms and departments.”

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