(India) — We begin today in India as mission organizations continue to weigh the ramifications of the newest anti-conversion law in the state of Gujarat. It passed despite a huge outcry from Christians. Dayspring International ‘s John Gilman is concerned. “If you even offer to show someone a free film, like we do, and come and see our movie or any other kind of thing that would be considered an allurement and part of the anti-conversion movement and a person could go to jail for several years (and) be fined.” Dayspring shares the love of Christ through an Indian acted film on the life of Christ. Gilman says it has a huge impact on the lives of low-caste Dalits. “That message is profound for a Dalit person who has been told all of his life that God hates you and you are despised. They are truly moved deep in their hearts and the door is open for them to find Christ.” Gilman isn’t sure what this will mean for Dayspring’s work, but he’s asking people to pray.