Story number 1 for 20 Dec 2002

By December 20, 2002

(Bhutan)–We begin today in Bhutan where there’s word that camps of north-eastern insurgent groups are building up. With the new threat to peace growing, neighboring officials are pressuring Bhutan’s government to act. East West Ministries’ John Maisel says the response may worsen a difficult situation for mission work. “Bhutan is an official Buddhist country. Everything else is illegal if you live in Bhutan; (and) you’re shut down and you’re imprisoned if you try to do anything, especially try to proselyte–win a Buddhist to Christ–or if you’re aggressive in any other type of faith other than the Buddhist faith, it has enormous consequences.” Maisel says there is a lot to pray for as far as ministry in this area is concerned. “A lot of people don’t hear about it, but it’s one of the most difficult countries in the world to work in, just because of the Buddhist mentality of it being a Buddhist kingdom.”

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