Story number 1 for 20 Mar 2002

By March 20, 2002

(Zimbabwe)–Topping the news, election-related problems in Zimbabwe continue to plague the country’s economy and people. Threats of violence are hanging over the nation, casting a pall on ordinary daily activities. The un-ease has spread to the work of the church, as well. The Bible League’s Joseph Owens. “We were receiving reports that people were not able to meet in homes for small group Bible Studies because political activist would break up the meetings, suspecting that the meetings had political agendas. This happened in a few cases, so we were not pushing forward with some of our training.” But, Owens says while this period has been disruptive, believers are pushing forward of their own accord. “Christians continue to meet together to study God’s Word and to continue to grow the church, because really, a wonderful thing is happening in Zimbabwe, in spite of the political situation.”

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