Story number 1 for 29 Apr 2002

By April 29, 2002

(Philippines)–Our newscast begins today in the Philippines where bomb threats, coup rumors, and demonstrations are adding jitters to an already nervous population. The potential for trouble is expected to escalate in the days and weeks ahead. Amidst the turmoil, Sammy Tippit Ministries will be holding a series of evangelistic meetings. “It does seem like the Lord has placed us sovereignly, and in His plan, in places that are very difficult. We’re going to be holding a pastor’s conference, trying to encourage the Christians leaders there, in that very difficult region of the world.” Tippit’s team knows the danger level is significant. He points out that the meetings were scheduled long before the crisis with New Tribes Missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham. “There has been a State Department warning about kidnappings, and murder of Americans in that region. But, we’re trusting in God, that He’s going to care of us-we’re not going to do anything foolish, but on the other hand, we’re going to be trusting Him to meet our needs and take care of us.”

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