Topping today’s news, New Tribes Mission is keeping a close eye on increasing conflict and tensions in the Philippines. Islamic rebels on Mindanao have increased their activity against non-Muslims. NTM’s Guy Sier, says they have workers in some affected areas. “New Tribes Mission has been down in that area for quite a number of years, doing work primarily with the tribal people interior of the largest island there in Mindanao. Occasionally, we’ve had Islamic rebels come through our village, but they’ve not shown any over interest in bothering our works interior.” Sier says there is a lot to be thankful for and much to pray for, as well. “Just because rebel groups have not bothered us, doesn’t mean that this new tension created may not change that posture. Be praying for the safety of our missionaries and also for the success of their work out there. It’s very difficult to try to establish churches in the middle of areas that have been traditionally Muslim.”