Story number 1 for 3 Jun 2003

By June 3, 2003

(Bangladesh)–We begin today’s newscast with an urgent call to prayer from Bangladesh. Gospel for Asia’s K-P Yohannan says one of their national missionaries has been kidnapped. “One of our brothers in leadership, supervising an entire district of church planting missionaries, (was kidnapped). On the 28th of May we received the news that he may be kidnapped. Just hours ago, we got a note from the terrorist group, demanding very large sums of money.” Yohannan says the missionary’s name and the terrorist group aren’t being released for security reasons. He says while this oppression is hard, Yohannan believes it helps the church. “We find that the co-workers, and the missionaries and the pastors become much more bold to share the love of Christ. There is such power in (their) willingness to suffer and die for Christ’s sake, which becomes an incredible witness.”

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