Story number 1 for 7 Mar 2000

By March 7, 2000

We begin today with a look at recent efforts between Russia and China to reinforce their ties. Moscow and Beijing have been improving their relations in recent years in an effort to unite their strengths in the global community. Some outreach groups think the Chinese could influence Russia toward tougher Christian limits. When asked what this bodes for their work, Far East Broadcasting Company’s Rudy Wiens says: “The local officials from Moscow say that we need to supply the information about the programs we do in Chinese language…so, there might be more restrictions in the future-what we broadcast to China.” Wiens says despite an increasingly oppressive atmosphere:”We had problems, but amazingly, to my surprise, we got back on the air on February 23rd, and we broadcast one hour daily in Mandarin to the Chinese people. So far, through God’s grace, we are able to do that. And, we plan to keep on the Chinese broadcast from two Eastern Russian cities.”

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