Story number 1 for 8 Apr 2003

By April 8, 2003

(Nepal) — Headlining today’s news, Nepal’s King Gyanendra is calling on the country to support planned peace talks between the government and Maoist rebels. Those talks could bring about a multi-party democracy. World Help‘s Eric Vess is hoping this helps church planting goals. “World Help has an exciting opportunity right now, with our Nepali partners, helping to birth new church planting movements in every one of the five regions of Nepal. We’re looking for North American partners to impact this world for Jesus Christ.” Vess says while the ever-increasing Christian population faces oppression from Maoists and Hindus, Great Commission outreach is moving forward. “The church in Nepal is not adopting a ‘let’s hunker down and wait for the difficulties to pass and then when things get easier we’ll fulfill the Great Commission.’ The church in Nepal is gaining a legitimacy that says, ‘we’re going to take this kingdom of God into all the kingdom of Nepal.'” Funding is needed for this outreach.

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