(India)–We turn our attention next to India, where earthquake relief is ongoing. The effects of the temblor that hit Gujarat are far from over. Reparations will take years, a constant reminder of the loss suffered by the people. Evangelical Free Church Mission’s Jim Snyder details how they’re responding. “We are going to be networking with a number of organizations there in Gujarat to respond to this crisis. We look for opportunities to provide ministry assistance both short-term as well as long term, resulting from the needs from such crisis.” Snyder says through the tragedy, the potential for evangelistic outreach grows. “Gujarat is one of these states that has been very opposed to Christianity and evangelical thrusts, so, this has shaken up the people and I think it’ll offer us opportunities that we’ve never had before.” Snyder says donations are being accepted for the India relief effort. Go to: www.efcm.org for details.