(India)–Next, India’s Tamil Nadu State recently passed a controversial anti-conversion ordinance. Dave DeGroot is with Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He says as the dust settles, other religious groups are realizing the implications this law has for them, as well, adding: “We find that on the ground, in practice, once the furor dies down, conversions continue in the anti-conversion States. Christians find ways to continue, and this does not at all mean that this ordinance is going to stop the conversions. In fact, it’s almost the opposite in States like Orissa.” DeGroot says no matter what the outcome, the issue needs the strength of prayer. “We’re very concerned. We have a large number, thousands of volunteers connected to us in India. They’re very concerned, but, after several years of persecution rising throughout India, they’re also realistic enough to know that they’ll probably be able to continue.”