Story number 2 for 18 Sep 2000

By September 18, 2000

Meanwhile, at least one mission leader believes this generation of American young people may be the force to see the Great Commission completed. Doctor David Shibley the President of Global Advance explains why he feels this way. “I don’t think we’ve ever raise a group of young people here in America who are more committed to the Great Commission and to the cause of Christ around the world than this generation. Perhaps the most heartening thing is that more American teenagers were out overseas in short term mission assignments this last summer than ever in our nations history.” Shibley says young people today know they could pay a price for their faith which is driving his belief. “This is the first generation of American teenagers that have been tempered by martyrdom. They could be shot as the kids at Columbine were. They could be shot as the kids at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth were shot. And, I believe the Lord is going to use this generation to be those who will be bold to go to the unreached peoples of the earth and finally bring closure to the Great Commission.”

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