Next, we go to Russia where the dust from the latest change in the government
appears to be settling down. Global Advance’s David Shibley says it appears the
country will continue to be open to evangelical work, however: “I believe that our days
of opportunity may be limited in Russia. Consequently, it is all the more important that
we provide the training and the resources necessary for Russian pastors and church
leaders themselves to continue advancing the Gospel and continue fulfilling the Great
Commission in Russia if the Western evangelical presence has to leave.” Shibley says
the Frontline Shepherd’s conference takes place at the end of January and early
February. “Many times, these pastors come tremendously discouraged, and these are
times of great vision casting-it’s a time to recharge-it’s a time to refocus the vision of the
Lord for the lives and ministries, and also it’s a time to look toward the harvest.”