Story number 2 for 20 Jun 2000

By June 20, 2000

Meanwhile, as Muslim violence is still burning in the Philippines, the Christian and Missionary Alliance is planning for the future of their work there. Jack Herman is with the C&MA, which recently held their annual Field Forum. It’s helping them strategically reach out to all the people of the Philippines, including Muslims. ” We always have been involved in Muslim ministries ever since we came here at the beginning of the century. So, from the very beginning we’ve been a mission, which is deeply committed to pioneer evangelism – reaching our Muslim friends and neighbors. So, we continue to engage in Muslim evangelism, but we’re very careful.” Herman says their Muslim ministry is in need. “We have not actually pulled our people out of location. Unfortunately the enemy really wants to destroy workers who are on the cutting edge. Our Muslim missionary contingent here has dwindled in recent years.” Pray that God will raise people willing to serve in this area.

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