Story number 2 for 21 Aug 2000

By August 21, 2000

We continue this report on Indonesia with a look at the cost. As many as 500,000 Christians have been driven from their homes and more than 2,500 have been killed by Muslim “jihad” warriors who say they will rid the island of Christians. The fighting has left food, clothing and medical care in short supply. Christian leaders in Ambon have said they feel the world is ignoring the crisis. A high security clearance International Mission Board spokesman had this to say: “This is a situation in Indonesia that’s gone unnoticed by the American public and the world. In other places, when they have trouble, high publicity. But, for Indonesia, it has burned and burned and the Christians have been persecuted and killed, and the general public here at home doesn’t know anything about it. This really concerns us.” The IMB says this is what can be done: “Tell people the seriousness of this and take whatever action we need to take to alert people; first of all, to pray and then, ask our leaders to voice their opinion and move beyond this silence that we’ve seen.”

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