Story number 2 for 21 Mar 2003

By March 21, 2003

(International)–Next, some mission experts are saying they believe combat in Iraq could be a catalyst to war against Christians and Americans in some Muslim countries. In light of the increased risk to ministry, Evangelical Free Church of America’s Ben Sawatsky says they’re keeping in contact with their workers. “I think the hardest thing to deal with is the fear factor. We are counseling from God’s Word, and we are spending a lot of time in prayer for our staff that they will indeed, see the opportunities and meet them with boldness and courage.” While keeping vigil and preparing their response to the danger potential, Sawatsky reports their teams remain stalwart in their mission. “Pray that we’ll be able to grasp the opportunities that will come our way. They certainly did; they did after 9-11, and they’re doing so now, as well. So, pray that we will have eyes to see the opportunities and that we’ll respond in the power of the Holy Spirit.”

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