(Afghanistan)–Meanwhile, as World Vision continues to help the hungry in Afghanistan, the organization is looking out for the country’s future. World Vision’s Philip Maher recently returned from that country and says the organization is getting ready to rebuild schools. “Many of the schools were destroyed. And, so we’re actually going to be involved in restarting their educational programs. To refurbish a school in Afghanistan costs around $10,000. We’re initially starting by refurbishing about seven schools and completely rebuilding one school.” Maher believes all that’s being done in Christ’s love. “As a Christian organization the work that we do testifies about who we are. And, I think the quality of work that I’ve seen in Afghanistan, I’m very impressed with in the staff that we have. I’m working along with the communities I’m quite encourage about — with just the work that’s being done there.” Maher says funding is needed for both food and restarting these schools as they continue to reach out to these people hit hard by war and hunger.