(Liberia)–We turn next to Liberia where President Charles Taylor has lifted an eight-month long state of emergency. Rebels have been trying to topple Taylor for three years, however, the insurgency appears to have been put down. Audio Scripture Ministries’ Tom Dudenhoffer says they’re hopeful about their work in Liberia. “As long as the state of emergency remains lifted, we believe that the original Kisi project will grow. We sent only one-half of our project request into Sierra Leone and now that the door is open in Liberia, we believe that we’ll be able to send the second half of that project and we expect God to use His Word.” Dudenhoffer says in the shadow of uncertain peace, believers need prayer for wisdom. “The Kisi people share the countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone and even into Ghana; and so, they are going to ministering to each other during these times and the political unrest makes it extremely difficult for the believers to know exactly how they should operate.”