Story number 2 for 25 Aug 2000

By August 25, 2000

Next, SEND missionaries have become key leaders in a new church plant program in the Ukraine. Everett Henderson says that the Ukraine is uniquely positioned to become a sending country of missionaries to other former soviet countries. “And it’s interesting to see just how zealous these Ukrainian Christians are to share the truth that they were denied for so many years. And it’s not uncommon here for people to recognize their lost condition and to repent of their sins the first time they hear the Gospel.” One of the biggest challenges they face is poverty, but God has those details worked out as well. “There is just no money in the Ukrainian church congregations. We realize this wasn’t an oversight on God’s part. If there had been money the Mafia would have become involved. They’d water down the Gospel and corrupt the church and that didn’t happen so there’s great freedom in the church because they are penniless.”

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