Story number 2 for 28 Nov 2001

By November 28, 2001

(Haiti)–Next, the terrorist attacks on the United States have had ripple effects on other Third World countries. For immigrants, the impact of September 11 has been profound. For Haiti With Love’s Eva DeHart says many Haitian immigrants were working in the States to support family back home. However: “Either the people lost their jobs directly because of what happened, or indirectly because most of them were holding service jobs, and there’s been a tremendous downturn in the service industry. When they were relying on that dollar a day to eat, that dollar a day isn’t there anymore.” DeHart says it is important that believers can help, if not through prayer, through other support. “With those meals, they truly understand that they are receiving help, not from Don and Eva, not from For Haiti with Love, but this is God helping them out of a real bind.” For Haiti With Love can feed a family for a Month with a gift of ten-dollars.

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