(Kenya)–Next, 500 people are dying every day from AIDS in Kenya, East Africa. That’s the word from the Kenya Director of Buckner Orphan Care International’s Dix Masindano (mah-sihn-DAH-noh). Masindano says that’s why they’re getting involved in the HIV/AIDS crisis. “We are running an orphanage in that country that is specifically serving the AIDS orphans. We are also running a foster care program, which is a very new kind of concept in that country, where we’re putting children, not necessarily with their relatives, but with anybody who cares to take care of them.” Masindano believes this type of program is something that could change the pattern of promiscuity in that culture because of a heart change. “This is a ministry and in the process of ministering to them through this they realize we will tell them about Christ and we’re seeing so many hearts being changed. Children are accepting Jesus Christ.” Masindano says sponsors of the program are needed to help expand the program so that many more children will hear the Gospel and turn to Christ.