(Tanzania)–We turn next to Tanzania where the government is planning to spend 25-million dollars on poverty reduction programs. However, the country’s 33 million people continue to be burdened by unemployment and abject poverty. Africa Inland Mission’s Brad Settle says because education is a key to the problem, they want to open a school in Tanzania. “The felt need among the parents is that, ‘We want our kids to be educated, not so much to learn how to plant corn, but, to learn to read and write – the basics.’ The Watataru are pretty much a tribal array – a primitive group, but they are more and more becoming aware of the need for a formal education.” Pointing out that the doors are already open for their outreach, Settle asks people to pray for this pioneer work. “Our primary objective here is to evangelize these people; to teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ, and we want to provide them with a biblical basis to learn about God and His Son, Jesus.”