(Nigeria)–Meanwhile, despite continued unrest in Nigeria the Gospel is being taken to more and more heart languages there. That’s the word from the Seed Company’s Parke Brown. He explains how the Good News is spreading. “Well, we’re really excited because the Kambari Language project has been working now for – I guess about 10 years now – praying through and working through making the Jesus Film available in three languages, actually – that Kambari language family. And, we just completed the sound track for that project.” The Seed Company works through indigenous Christians to help complete these projects. Brown says evangelism is the ultimate goal and that will happen soon. “After we do about six months of production we end up having a film that can be taken around to different villages and can go ahead and very clearly can present the Gospel almost straight from the Gospel of Luke.” Pray that violence will end in Nigeria so this message can be presented without interruption.