Story number 2 for 8 Aug 2003

By August 8, 2003

(Middle East)–Next, an Arabic New Testament translation is poised to go into the Middle East. This move was heralded by 100,000 scripture portions already in the area. The World Bible Translation Center has plans to prayerfully spread at least 250,000 copies of its Arabic New Testament across the Middle East and Northern Africa over the next three years. The Center’s Roger Massey says there’s only one major obstacle standing in their way. “The translation is ready. It’s done and it’s at a printer in the Middle East. We’re just launching projects to raise funding to get the printing started. We can print a New Testament for $1.50-and that’s to print and distribute.” Massey explains their plans for launching the translation begin in Egypt, because of the vibrancy of the church body there. “Pray that God will begin to open the ears and hearts in the Middle East to the message of Jesus that translated in an easy-to-read, very modern Arabic.”

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