Story number 3 for 1 Aug 2003

By August 1, 2003

(USA)–One in three Christians are sharing their faith in the United States, according to a study release this week by Barna Research. Despite that, the report also indicates that Christianity is losing influence in the country. Bible Pathway Ministry’s Ken Sharp. “That loss of influence has really been the impetus for Bible Pathway Ministries really putting a real emphasis upon their Bible Reading Restoration Movement across America, to try to bring back the fact and the strength of Christianity within our community, within our society.” Sharp is hoping believers start using Bible Pathway to help change that trend. “Bible Pathway has found that the easiest ways to witness to non-believers and to have an impact on people within our society’s life is simply to share a copy of the monthly through the Bible devotional commentary and then agree to answer any questions concerning the daily Bible reading that the person might have.” Free copies are available. Call our resource-line for details.

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