Story number 3 for 12 Aug 2003

By August 12, 2003

(England)–After more than 46 years at the helm, the founder of Operation Mobilization is stepping down as the organization’s president. 65-year-old George Verwer will pass on the torch at a special meeting in Keswick, England on August 22nd. Peter Maiden will be his replacement. “He’s a more quiet, steady person than myself. He’s a great Bible teacher. He’s a leader in his local church, but he’s a great visionary, he’s got a great pastors heart, and he’s a leader. We have OM now 3,500 workers in 90 nations. And, his big job will be to work with the leaders and the leaders of the leaders.” Verwer says he will continue his focus on reaching the unreached. He tells us one of his frustrations. “So few of the Lord’s people seem to see this as enough priority to really get in on the action, whether its praying , giving or going. In a world of six billion people, we need more active mobilizers and participants.”

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