(International)–Theirs is a mission that has stood for over a century. CAM International works to produce and empower committed followers of Jesus Christ in Spanish-speaking areas to reach the world. CAM’s Aaron Sandoval describes their newest tool that blows the possibilities for church growth wide open. “All these new mediums and all these new technologies allow us to take advantage of those resources and be able to spread them across Latin America in ways we never thought possible before. It’s bringing people together and it’s giving us ability to reach areas that we never considered reaching before just because it was logistically impossible.” Sandoval says they hope that this project encourages church leaders who are isolated and need encouragement. “People can pray for these materials that they might really have the impact that we’re hoping they’ll have. People can pray for some of the believers who are accessing these materials because they are in areas where they do not have access to other Christian materials.”