Story number 3 for 2 Oct 2000

By October 2, 2000

The rugged landscape and brutal climate of Siberia acts as a natural barrier for Siberians. Travel is difficult because of its few airports, nearly impassible roads, and swampy terrain. The country is considered by many to be the wasteland of Russia, but some believers think otherwise. SEND International’s Frank Severen explains what their next project will involve. “The Russian Baptist Church has asked SEND to help them launch into an unreached people group which are Buddhist in Central Siberia called the Buryat people. Here’s a people group of about a half million that do not have a Gospel witness at all.” Isolated towns get few visitors and even fewer missionaries, however, judging from the success of the few evangelistic efforts in other parts of Siberia, Severen says they can only be enthusiastic. “These are great days of opportunity and the Gospel continues to go out with great power and effectiveness. We’re praying that the Lord will raise up missionaries to help reach that people group along with the Russian Baptist Church.”

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