(Croatia) — A new Bible in Croatia is expected to help evangelism in that country that’s become apathetic to the Gospel. The World Bible Translation Center is about to finish a new translation that could give missionaries a new tool in outreach. WBTC’s Brian McLemore. “We hope to have this printed and completed and in the hands of the Croatian people to make a wonderful Christmas gift. Now we hope to have the birth of a new word, a fresh word, that will reach the youth – children and those who have never had a chance to know who Jesus Christ is, so that’s a very exciting thing for us.” McLemore says communism has had an impact the spiritual climate of Croatia. “So, it leaves almost a vacuum, a generation that may not be traditionally religious in their beliefs, and they’ve grown up with really no religion. So, this is a chance to reach those between 20 and perhaps younger. Maybe even in their 30’s.”