Story number 3 for 21 Oct 2002

By October 21, 2002

(USA)–College and Universities are in full swing around the United States, providing opportunities for college ministries to share Christ with new students. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Phil Evans says this is a key time of year for evangelism. “New students, especially freshman are very open to new ideas. They’ve left home. They’re investigating and exploring new things. So, if they can be introduced to Christians they are more likely to investigate the claims of Christ. And, so there’s an openness in the fall that you might not get in the second semester or in the spring time.” Evans hopes the number of small group Bible studies grows over last year’s numbers because he says they’re effective. “Last year, InterVarsity had more than 4,000 small group Bible studies all over the country. And approximately half of them were designed for non-Christian students and we saw almost 2,000 students come to meet Jesus Christ.” Evan is asking Christians to pray for many campus missionaries who lack sufficient support.

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