(Russia) — Reaching orphaned children with the Gospel is the goal of a program called, “Orphans Reborn.” Slavic Gospel Association is sponsoring the program, which is empowering and supporting the Russian church in outreach. SGA’s Eric Mock says they’re seeing results. “What they have seen as these children adopt God as their father and they embrace it in such a way that these children are no longer violent, they’re no longer angry, because they know that there’s someone who loves them. And, these children change their outward behavior. And, that witness of change has been an influence on caretakers and adults.” They’re only able to reach 10-thousand of the more than 700-thousand orphans in Russia. Mock says additional funding is needed. “For every $30 that is provided, it facilitates these teams meeting the child for an entire year. The $30 would provide a Bible, humanitarian aid and transportation and expenses of the teams.”