(International)–Open Doors’ ‘World Watch List’ names 50 countries known to persecute Christians. That forces a different methodology for both ministry and the workers within closed-contact areas. OC International’s Doug Lagasse (LAH-gah-SAY) explains that ‘creative access’ allows the hope of Christ to get into areas not open to a traditional missions approach. “We have a family in China who are medical people. They’re working in a very poor part of China helping the local government reach out to leprosy-affected patients…something the government didn’t have enough money to pursue, but had a great desire to see people’s needs met.” Lagasse says this sets the stage for the eventual outreach. However, OCI is working to separate themselves from the traditional ‘tent-making’ association. “Sometimes people think of tent-making as a covert sort of operation. We like to use the word ‘bi-vocational’ because, really, people are doing both jobs: that of a Christian worker, and that of their profession.” Please pray for wisdom and strength for OC’s workers in creative access areas.