The recent Luis Palau evangelistic crusade in Monterrey, is considered one of the great successes by the organization. The area is Mexico’s fourth largest city, and at least 7,000 people indicated they committed their lives to Jesus Christ. LPEA’s Jim Williams says this was a breakthrough for them. “It is the first time to be on Televisa. They estimated that we had a million people watching in the Monterrey area every night. The people at Televisa said that they had never seen anything like it. This was the best unity we’ve seen in many years. There’s a good strong church there and they have already started to follow-up the converts.” Williams says this was encouraging to the churches because of the unprecedented response to the call of the Gospel. “One of the things that we would like people to pray is that the local churches would take advantage of the wide open door that the Lord has provided, and that this type of evangelism would continue.”