Story number 3 for 28 Mar 2003

By March 28, 2003

(Africa)–The latest statistics out of Africa indicate that nearly one in three people will die of AIDS or related complications. Those numbers are creating an urgency for African countries who are seeing whole adult generations decimated by the disease. Book of Hope’s Rob Hoskins sees issue as a heart problem. “The real solution to the AIDS problem in Africa is not medical. We want to try and help as much as we can to find cure, to pray for those that are [finding a cure], to encourage drug companies to provide drugs at a lower cost, but, all of those are reactionary measures.” Hoskins explains they’re targeting youth with their programs and books because they want to help nip the problem in the bud. “This next year, we’ll distribute literally millions of copies of the Book of Hope in Africa. This is right in the school systems, handing them the Word of God. All of our books in Africa are to help combat AIDS through the sharing of how abstinence and controlling your lifestyle is the best way to avoid AIDS.”

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