Story number 3 for 31 Aug 2000

By August 31, 2000

Thousands of Scripture portions have been donated to persecuted believers through Open Doors’ special project, “The Bible Site”. The website has a unique purpose-Open Doors’ Mike Yoder. “We launched “The Bible Site” about a month ago, and we’ve had 20-thousand people come to the site and click on a button, which enabled a Scripture portion to be donated to a persecuted believer who has never had the Bible before. This is a unique partnership that we’ve formed with a foundation that wants to use the Internet to educate people about Christian persecution.” Yoder adds that they felt this was a more complete way of addressing the issue, because of a certain mindset in the United States. “Sadly, the church in the Free World is unaware of the price that the body of Christ has to pay to follow Christ; and somehow, the body of Christ in the West…for some reason, we’ve allowed ourselves to become disconnected from that suffering part of the body.”

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