Story number 3 for 31 Jul 2000

By July 31, 2000

Overcoming sweeping economic upheaval and demoralizing political changes are just part of the everyday challenges faced by New Hope International’s Eastern European offices. Now, yet another setback. New Hope’s Hank Paulson. “Our Ukraine office had a fire. That happened when the power surged way beyond the normal 220-volt to 290-volts. That caused a fire in the transformer, in the fax machine, and then soon after that, part of our facilities and our equipment.” Paulson adds that they are grateful even for this, because: “…equipment in the room next door was not affected whatsoever. We’re also thankful that we did have a new office that we were able to move into. The situation could have been a lot worse, there were no injuries or any other setbacks.” Estimates of equipment and smoke damage are between ten and fifteen-thousand dollars.

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